Sunday, June 15, 2008

12 Week Photo

Well, here is my stomach at 12 weeks. I think I was about twice as far along with Logan when I looked like this. I'm so glad it's the last week of my first trimester!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Toddler Bed

Daddy converted my crib to a toddler bed last night and I did great! I thought I was pretty special in a big boy bed and went to sleep with no problems and slept all night and even waited for Mommy to come and get me in the morning after I was awake!

Chief decided he likes my big boy bed too and wouldn't get out!

Just Some Pics

Logan doesn't really care for wearing hats but he seems to like this visor we got at the $1.00 bin at Target.

Watching Curious George

Resting with Daddy