Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Cute Cousins

I think Alisha has this picture on their blogsite but I just love this one and had to post it as well. Gavin and Logan were posing with their Easter bunnies.


The Grothaus Gang said...

Too cute!! Logan looks like a little brown bear, but poor Gavin has his mommy's skin!

Cynthia said...

Don't feel bad, Logan's tan is fading with the gloomy, rainy Texas weather we have had lately.

Maria said...

Aww, I love this pic, I saw it on your winkflash account last week, but just checked out the blogsite today.... that's cute!! They're getting old!

Cynthia said...

Wow, it's nice to see Auntie Rhea visiting the blogsite. We look forward to seeing you on May 31st!