Logan started his 9th month yesterday on June 6th! I tried to get some good pictures but he is too interested in moving and doesn't want to hold still while I snap the shot (as you can see). He weighed in at 19lbs. and is 27 and 3/4 inches long. We also went to Sears yesterday to take his pictures and he wasn't cooperating. I hope his one year photos turn out better.
It looks like he's movin even more than just a few days ago!!! woah!! :)
Yes, he is! He is into everything.
My, what a big boy you are Logan! Be careful getting into things! Your cousin Gavin has had a few smashed fingers and bumped heads the past couple of days when he has decided to explore! Only three more months and you will be one year old! That's just crazy!
Logan managed to bruise his forehead yesterday, he pulled a heavy picture frame down from the cedar chest in his room. It left a pretty good mark. I was putting the sheets back on his bed.
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