Logan is officially crawling now. He surprised us all yesterday afternoon by crawling across the dining room floor. I took these pictures this morning. He is keeping me on my toes! He kind of moves like he's trying to walk, he uses one knee like a normal crawl and the opposite leg he uses his foot, but he moves!!
Wow he is growing up sooooo fast! And not to mention getting cuter every day. We love knowing the latest things about Logan. We get to see it on the blog and we get to hear about him when we go to Grandma and Grandpa's. Give him a kiss for us! :)
YAAAY Logan! Gavin says "welcome to the Crawling Club"! We're still going pretty slow--if we want to get somewhere fast then we get down and army crawl!
It's nice to see a comment from the Springers! Keep them coming.
Make sure that Logan doesn't bump his head, cause last night we had a bad experience with that. My little cousin Max, who is 18 months old, was outside playing and fell down and hit his head on the concrete. He cried for a little bit, and then all of a sudden he passed out and started having a seizure. After that he stopped breathing. They flew him to Columbia and by the time we got there the doctor said that all the scans looked good, but they were going to keep him overnight. He woke up this morning and was eating crackers, so he is getting to come home today! Thank the Lord he is alright! I am watching him this summer and I am glad it didn't happen when I had him, cause when stuff like that happens I am NOT a very calm person! Watch Logan very close (I know you will!) :)
Alissa, I'm glad you cousin is alright. I will be sure to keep an eye on Logan
LOL, i love his little leg/foot combo :)
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