Saturday, June 2, 2007

Sleeping Boy

Logan took a nap on his Auntie while visiting. Ha Ha Grammie, you're missing out! Logan sure loves his Auntie!!


The Grothaus Gang said...

What's this? I thought Logan only went to sleep with something "special" in his mouth?? I don't think Auntie Rhea can replace it. Did you switch off?

Cynthia said...

You found us out! He actually fell asleep on me and Maria took him after a while. He did take a nap with her on his own however, yesterday when she babysat and Brian and I went to the movies and dinner.

Maria said...

CYN!! you weren't sposed to admit til after Mooms saw it!! :) He took a 2 hour nap with/on me on Sunday without something 'special' in his mouth Alisha!! :) lol